
Discover a new passion

our Group classes

Send us an email with your child’s information: Name, date of birth, previous dance experience, and what classes you are interested in.

We will get back to you ASAP.

Hip Hop

Hip hop is a dance style and culture based upon utilizing the latest popular hip hop music. Students have a chance to learn a fun routine while adding their own personality to the choreography. Hip Hop dancing is more hard hitting and may incorporate break dancing, floor work, and body popping.

Hip-Hop Grooves

Hip-Hop Grooves isn’t limited to just one unique style, like krumping, breaking, or popping and locking. Rather, it’s a mix of all of those styles and many more, including movement elements from swing dancing, modern jazz, and even ballet! It’s an approach to choreography that is consciously in tune with the music, beats, and grooves of hip-hop music without being defined or limited by some of its unique characteristics, like freestyling or the cypher. Students will learn more about popping, breaking and tumbling!

Movement Fundamentals (Breaking & Freestyle)

Movement Fundamentals is a class that focuses on street styles and techniques. The class teaches the foundation of styles such as breakdance, popping, locking, and house dance, along with techniques such as waving, tutting, animation, gliding, and more. Students will learn to utilize concepts and techniques through guided movement while discovering their individual style.


Tap requires special shoes, which creates sounds and rhythms when dancing on the floor. This class develops musicality through proper technique and producing clear sounds. Striking the floor becomes a form of percussion, and our more advanced tap classes play with intricate rhythms and fusion with other styles. 

Requirements for Tap 2: At least 3 years of tap experience. Able to execute basic tap steps with clean sounds including: buffalos, maxi fords, single, double, and triple time steps, essence, cramp rolls, pull backs, draw backs, etc., clean single pirouette.

Requirements for Tap 3: Same requirement as Tap 2 with the addition of more complicated steps such as wings, and double versions for all of the steps above, in addition to ability to perform steps on both legs and backwards. Student must be able to implement all movements in a fast pace with clean sounds within more intricate choreography. 


Acrobatics classes teach dancers gymnastics skills they can use in dance routines. These classes include tumbling, rolls, handstands, cartwheels, etc. Acrobatics classes are composed mainly of conditioning, stretching, and across the floor work. It is extremely technical and progression and regression based. All of our Acrobatic teachers are certified through the internationally accredited Acrobatic Arts curriculum. All of our acrobatic teachers are also minimally 200 hour yoga certified, and/or certified personal trainers through the National Academy of Sports Medicine. ABASI believes in a curriculum that is safe, technical, based on proper conditioning and two sided to ensure success and longevity for our dancers. Students who enroll in ballet/jazz, and/or at least two Acro or conditioning classes weekly obtain the best results and this is required to advance in higher level classes.

Acro 1/2:

Acrobatics 1/2 is a beginning introductory level class ideal for students who have never done acrobatics or have minimal experience (less than 2 years). In this class students will begin to condition their bodies to be able to safely implement introductory skills such as balancing on the hands, core engagement, developing arm and shoulder strength, bridges, jumps, and basic rolls and partnering. This class is wonderful for students of all abilities whether they are enrolled in other dance classes or just looking for a fun way to exercise their bodies.

Prerequisite Skills for Acro 1/2: None required

Skills Required to Advance to Acro 2B: Tuck position, ball pose, tendu devant, plank position, rock and roll to standing (tuck), somersault, pike position, donkey kick handstand, inchworms, full pushup with good form, more than halfway down in split, transitional steps for choreography such as spank kicks, leaps, and chasses. 

Acro 2B:

Acrobatics 2B is a higher introductory level class ideal for students who have done acrobatics for at least 2 years or perhaps are self-taught acrobats but are still adopting the technical skills required to implement skills correctly. Students in Acro 2B are able to complete cartwheels, rolls, and backbends, and donkey kick handstands but are still working on components such as a straight L handstand, bridge walks and prances, and completing cartwheels with correct preparations and finishing components on both sides of the body. An assessment or teacher recommendation is required for enrollment in this class. 

Prerequisite Skills for Acro 2B: Pre handstand, L handstand, handstand (pike) on the wall, full cartwheel on at least one side, half split, cartwheels with or without extended legs

Skills Required to Advance to Acro 3/4: Strong cartwheels on both sides of the body with correct preparation and landing, bridge walks across the floor, ability to shift back over the shoulders in a bridge and prance, ability to lower into a bridge and up from a bridge (assisted), full splits, clean forward and backwards rolls, clean L handstand with assist, ability to complete conditioning requirements such as inch worms, planks, downward dogs, v sits, etc.

Acro 3/4: 

Acrobatics 3/4 is a lower intermediate level Acro class ideal for students more serious in their acrobatics training or dancers looking to condition and complete tricks for other styles of dance. Concurrent enrollment in a jazz or ballet class is required for enrollment in this level. An assessment or teacher recommendation is required for enrollment this class.

Prerequisite Skills for Acro 3/4: L handstand with straight legs and pointed feet, assisted handstand, assisted headstand, clean cartwheels on each side, full splits on each side, ability to inch worm, plank, and hold a v-sit pose, ability to lower and lift in and out of a bridge with assistance with good form. Knowledge of all introductory Acro terminology (i.e.: pike, hollow, superman, v sits, planks, etc.).

Skills Required to Advance to Acro 5/6: All of the components of prior Acro classes plus assisted or non-assisted front and back walkovers, all cartwheel progressions for aerial preps including knee and one handed and inside arm cartwheels, non assisted front limber, more advanced rolls such as fish roll, penche rolls, backward rolls into planks and cobras, ability to partner and be partnered in multi-step lifts.

Acro 5/6:

Acrobatics levels 5/6 is a higher intermediate level Acro class where students will begin to learn progressions and regressions for more advanced tricks such as back handsprings, aerials, and multiple progressions and variations of existing movements such as walkovers, multi component lifts, cartwheels, headstands, etc. This class is also 2 hours to ensure proper warm up, stretching, and conditioning for more advanced skill implementation. An assessment or teacher recommendation is required for enrollment in this class.

Prerequisite Skills for Acro 5/6 (assisted is acceptable): All of the components of prior Acro classes plus front limber, front walkover, back walkover, fish rolls, handstand to forward roll, one handed cartwheels from both standing and kneeling, inside arm one handed cartwheels, ability to sustain at least 60 minutes of cardio and strength conditioning.

Skills Required to Advance to Acro 7+: All of the components of prior Acro classes plus non assisted walk overs (front and back), headstands, handstands, endurance to complete a 2 hour acrobatics class with minimal breaks, ability to complete contortion sequences such as forearm and chin stands, and at least a half scorpion/needle hold and full front leg hold, assisted aerial on at least one side, assisted back handspring, front handspring, ability to demonstrate a variety of more complex variations within movements such as walkovers, cartwheels, ability to partner and be partnered in complex multi-step lifts and partner work, enrollment in at least one additional Acro class weekly and/or enrollment in both ballet and jazz class.

Acro Levels 7+:

Acrobatics 7+ is an advanced level acrobatics class with the intention to prepare students for professional dance work and safe implementation of more complex tricks requiring higher level conditioning and skills such as front aerials, back tucks, and multi component tumbling and contortion work.

Pre Requisite Skills for Acro 7+: All of the above Acro skills including an assisted or non-assisted aerial to each side, back handspring, clean flying cartwheels, clean flying walkovers, ability to hold contortion movements such as needles, chin stands and forearm stands for at least 20 seconds, ability to chain multi step complex Acro movements together such as chaine aerial into a handstand roll including oppositional directions, ability to complete complex group lifts, ability to complete all conditioning requirements including the endurance of a 2 hour Acro class, concurrent enrollment in at least one additional Acro class or jazz/ballet class.


Jazz is a performance style type of dance and incorporates ballet technique to help the student develop rhythm and performance skills. This upbeat class will teach the student isolations, contractions, and ground movements, across the floor combinations, and choreography. Jazz focuses on dramatic movements paired with the up and down beats of the music and syncopated rhythms. 

Requirements for Jazz 2+: Minimum of 3 years of dance experience. This class is focused on advancing and perfecting technical skills, challenges ability to memorize choreography, and expects high performance standards. 

Prerequisite skills (all must be clean): single pirouette, petit jete leap, battement combo, clean chaines across the floor, box steps, kick ball change, six point turn combination. 

Conditioning requirements: hold plank for 1 minute, complete 100 crunches, sustain passé hold on releve for a minimum of 3 seconds.

Jazz Heels is an advanced jazz class that focuses on choreography and performance of short routines in character heels. This class will help the student develop confidence to implement for facial expressions while dancing, mature movement, and performance skills, and create employable musical theater performers 

Requirements for Heels: At least 5 years of jazz dance experience, ability to walk, jump, and run, in heels.

Jazz Funk

Jazz funk can best be understood as a cultivated form developed in studios as a response to the organic popularity of hip-hop dance and music. As hip-hop gained popularity, its moves and beats started to distance themselves from their spontaneous origins in New York City street styles as it gained further access into music clubs and commercial television. Dancers will move to many jazz inspired movements as well as trendy dance techniques from the funk era including popping, locking and various moves that are popular within hip hop dance.  



Contemporary dance allows for expressive movements while combining elements of many genres. The student will learn to convey emotions and tell a story through their movements. 

Requirement for Contemporary: Enrollment in ballet & jazz.


Lyrical is a dance style that embodies various aspects of ballet, jazz, and modern dance. The style combines ballet technique with the freedom and musicality of jazz and contemporary. Lyrical is always danced to songs with lyrics.

Requirement for Lyrical: Enrollment in ballet & jazz, as well as a teacher recommendation.

Progressing Ballet Technique

Progressing ballet technique is an incredibly unique conditioning class, which focuses on muscle memory conditioning for classical ballet. Students will use large yoga balls, pilates balls, and straps to perform conditioning exercises to strengthen the muscles used in movements such as turn out, adagio, allegro, core and posture, port de bras, weight placement, alignment, extensions, feet and allegro, and safe stretching. Our instructors are certified in this revolutionary training method that focuses on teaching students which muscles they should “feel” and activate during different exercises. This class is amazing conditioning for ballet dancers, gymnasts, ice skaters, etc.! Learn more at


Enrollment required for dancers en pointe. 


Ballet is a performance dance, which uses precise and highly formalized set steps and gestures with graceful flowing movements in intricate flowing patterns. Our ballet classes focus on proper technique and terminology while practicing movements on the barre, in the center, and across the floor. The student learns proper body alignment and fluid movement. Our ballet classes’ emphasis safe and age appropriate training in order to prevent injury and ensure longevity of training. Ballet is considered by many to be the “basis” of all styles of dance. We recommend every student be involved in at least one ballet class weekly. 

Requirements for Ballet 2: Dancers must spend a semester or more in Ballet 1 before moving to Ballet 2 (transfers from other studios can be assessed.) Dancers must demonstrate a more mature attitude to move from B1 to B2. Dancers should have the focus to learn ballet technique in a class which uses less props (i.e. scarves, hula hoops, etc.) than B1 and concentrates on proper alignment and posture, as well as correct legs and feet. B2 prepares dancers for the more intensive B3 class; they should plan on spending multiple semesters in B2 before being allowed to move up a level.

Conditioning Requirements for Ballet 2: Hold a 1-minute plank, complete 16 clean relevés and 32 élevés at the barre. Demonstrate the stretches required to obtain a split. Hold a passé relevé turned out for at least 3 seconds.

Pre Pointe

Pre Pointe classes are designed to strengthen the muscles needed to be en pointe. This class focuses on strengthening exercises at the barre and in the center to develop ankle strength and flexibility. Pre Pointe is for the serious ballet dancer who wishes to advance to a higher level of ballet dance through extra focus on the legs, feet, and ankles.

Requirements for Pre Pointe: Students in Pre Pointe must be enrolled in another ballet class and exhibit the skills required for ballet 2 with teacher recommendation.

Classical Variations & Pointe 2

Classical Variations & Pointe 2: In this intermediate – advanced level class, male and female dancers learn and practice solo variations from classical ballets such as Sleeping Beauty, Swan Lake, The Nutcracker, Don Quixote, Paquita and many more! Beyond just learning the steps, this class educates our dancers in ballet history and helps them improve their stage presence, artistry, and character development as it relates to classical ballet. Our female dancers who wish to advance their pointe technique will continue their pointe work in this class.

Preschool/ Combo Classes

Preschool/Combo Classes Our preschool combo classes are for ages 4-6. Combination classes are 45 minutes to an hour duration and provide students an experience in two different styles of dance. This allows our younger students to access multiple styles and select their favorites prior to enrolling in a single type of dance class once they are ages 5+. Combo classes focus on the pre requisite skills needed for styles of dance such as ballet, acrobatics, jazz, tap, and hip hop. Our instructors focus on making these classes age appropriate and fun and teach dance through a variety of sensory modalities including lights, music, and the use of props. The purpose of combination classes is for students to learn pre requisite skills for different styles of dance, have fun, and cultivate a love of dance.

Musical Theater

Musical Theater A unique specialization of our studio is our musical theater classes. These classes focus on performance and telling a story through singing and acting. Although this class will include choreography and dances, the main focus of the class is developing well-rounded performers through performance of songs and scenes. Students will learn about musical theater through performance, improvisation, group work, and scene study. Perfect for the Broadway lover!


Yoga: Yoga focuses on a combination of bodywork through strengthening and flexibility of the body by holding poses, while also teaching students how to link their external movements to their breath. Yoga is wonderful for all ages for teaching mindfulness (or being aware in the present moment). For kids, mindfulness training has been shown to help teach them how to problem solve and remain calm in stressful situations. For our teenagers who perform, yoga has helped teach them how to cope with performance anxiety. There are so many wonderful benefits of yoga for our dancers as well as athletes who take class to strengthen muscles to avoid injury, and engage in active recovery. 


Bounce: Bounce is a wonderful conditioning class, which focuses on using mini trampolines (rebounders) to burn calories, strengthen the legs ankles and feet, as well as build up endurance for future performances. The mini trampolines are so fun, our students often forget they are conditioning and strengthening their bodies. Bounce is an amazing cardio workout for all ages, and has added health benefits including increasing blood flow, releasing fascia tissue, and strengthening bones.

Broadway Jazz

Broadway Jazz is a higher level commercial dance jazz class for the serious jazz dancer or musical theater student. Broadway jazz incorporates theatrical music and has an emphasis on exaggerated movements, high energy, and story-telling. For our teen students, Broadway jazz incorporates the use of heels/ character shoes so our teens can learn more sophisticated choreography (i.e.: Rockettes style). This class is designed to have a choreography and performance focus and our students become proficient in learning combinations so they can hold their own in musical theater auditions and productions.

Turns, Kicks, and Leaps (TKL) Technique

TKL is a conditioning class designed for our more serious ballet, jazz, and/or acrobatics dancers to increase their skill level to enhance performance in these disciplines. Students will complete conditioning and flexibility exercises focused on specific skills or tricks in each class. Students will learn a variety of turns, kicks, and leaps, and more complex chaining of skills for across the floor work. Exercises will target height and power in jumps, balance and coordination in turns, and flexibility and balance for kicks. This class is taught by one of our dance instructors who is also a minimally certified 200-hour yoga instructor and/or NASM certified personal trainer, and/or Progressing Ballet Technique certified. Students will also learn anatomy through identifying the names of muscle groups and which muscles are activated during each type of movement. This class also includes an emphasis on training dancers on proper conditioning and cool down techniques to ensure longevity of performance.

Pre Ballet

Pre-ballet is an introduction to ballet dance for students with an interest in entering Ballet 1 once they are 5 years old. Pre-ballet is a 45-minute class consisting of 30 minutes of teacher-led and student interactive activities with 15 minutes of free play. Depending on the needs of each child, parental involvement may be required. Children are encouraged to express themselves and embrace their childlike tendencies in this fun introduction to dance! Concepts covered in pre ballet include pre components to ballet movements such as pointing and flexing, stretching, rocking side to side, ballet jumps, ballet walks, locomotor skills, traveling through space, using props to explore rhythm and movement, and an introduction to performing and choreography through learning mini dances.

Special Needs Group Dance

Our special needs group dance class is an all-inclusive dance class for students ages 12+ and for all abilities. This class is taught by an instructor with specific behavioral analysis knowledge trained by our owner Dr. Mallory Quinn, Board Certified Behavior Analyst. Our instructors use props and sensory experiences to introduce students to dance using music and activities to teach classroom skills, coordination, balance, strength, flexibility, and proper technique. No style of dance is off limits in this class, and the class and activities are frequently student led. Parent participation may be required for this class depending upon the individual needs of each student. Our students also receive an introduction to performing through learning and performing choreographed routines in our seasonal productions.

Stretch & Flexibility Technique

Stretch & Flexibility Technique is an intermediate level class taught by an EasySplits certified teacher, and uses Zaichik Stretching Techniques (or “ZSTs”) to help dancers become more flexible in an innovative way that is safer, quicker, and less painful than traditional stretching techniques. In addition to flexibility training, this class also includes Extended Length Conditioning exercises (“ELC”) aimed at strengthening our dancers’ muscles at the new deeper ranges to help avoid injury, retain flexibility gains, and allow further advancement in their range of motion.

some kind words:

Send us an email with your child’s information: 

Name, date of birth, previous dance experience, and what classes you are interested in.

We will get back to you ASAP.